Sophie's Favorite Workouts

Posted by Sophie Caldwell-Hamilton on Aug 5th 2020

Sophie's Favorite Workouts

It's been a different kind of summer this year without any travel or national team camps. While I miss seeing my teammates who live in other parts of the country, I'm lucky to have a really strong group of supportive teammates to surround myself with here in Vermont with my SMS T2 club team. Being in one place has giving me a great opportunity to get in a good training routine. When you're in the same place, doing many of the same workouts, it makes it easy to track progress throughout the summer. Finding a groove has been nice, but it's been equally important for me to get out for some fun adventures, whether that's by foot or by bike!

Favorite interval workout for end of July + Early August & how you execute it:

My favorite interval workout at this time of year is a speed/interval workout we've started doing a few times. We do 3-4 sets of 15 seconds on, 45 seconds off, six times in a row. So each set is 6 minutes long, but you're only going hard for the first 15 seconds of each set. Different physiologies handle this workout differently, but it gets quite hard by the end!

Favorite Rollerski Workout:


Favorite Foot (run, bound ect.) workout:

L3 ski walking or OD runs

Favorite Type of Summer Time-Trial:

We don't do too many time trials in the summer, but we have a two mile uphill run test we have done a couple times this summer.

Favorite Workout to do with your training partners:

Long runs - much more enjoyable with friends!

Least favorite workout, but why it's important

that you do it (even though you don't love it):

L4 bounding. For whatever reason, L3 bounding and ski walking is one of my favorite workouts and L4 bounding is one of my least favorites. The fact that it's one of my least favorites probably means I'm not very good at it which probably means it's important for me to do :). Luckily, I don't do much L4 until the fall, so I still have some time!