ALL NEW Supra X skate ski. Peltonen introduces its Speed Edge 2.0 technology for the first time. Combined with a completely renewed core and reshaped side cut brings Peltonen skating skis to a whole new level. Speed Edge 2.0 technology reduces friction at contact points on snow. Side cut improves skiability and handling while redesigned tip and tail lowers the swing weight of the ski. Redesigned Nomex Honeycomb Core results in a low camper yet stiff ski with a feeling. This ski also comes with a new Fluor Free Nano High-Speed base complying with FIS rules.
174, 181, 188, 193 cm
Technologies that change the way you ski
Nomex is extra light, aviation grade Kevlarreinforced honeycomb construction with topclass power transmission features. Due to the dynamic action of the construction it is used especially in race skis.
For WCR racing on hard surfaces. Short and steep pressure areas and a long wheelbase make the skis slippery and very directional. The best functionality is obtained when the skis are selected individually.
A versatile all-purpose ski that is at its best in freezing weather. The low and load-bearing legroom and soft pressure areas make it very slippery on soft and semi-hard surfaces. The best functionality is obtained when the skis are selected individually.
Speed Edge 2.0 removes ski’s traditional protruding sharp edge from the snow contact area of the ski and maximizes the usable gliding surface area of the ski.
OSC Curve is specialty feature for our all new Supra X skating ski. It is a combination of new optimized side cut working together lowered camber.
Peltonen skis are made in Heinola, Finland. At the state-of-the-art ski factory, our skilled staff realizes the visions of product development and includes in each finished pair of skis a dose of know-how, love, and care that only a Finnish ski smith is capable of.

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