Support Your Local Events!

Posted by Gus Schumacher on Mar 24th 2022

Support Your Local Events!

The title here may seem obvious, but is something that can be easily lost when you’re always trying to make the next step. I know a lot of you readers are really involved in your local ski communities, and that’s great, but there’s also some people that tend to not be as involved as they could be sometimes (maybe like myself). I’m writing this because I’ve had some great experiences at home events in the last couple weeks, and I’m realizing that I haven’t recently been as good about local participation. Events like the Oosik Classic and the Kachemak Bay Ski Marathon aren’t that shiny because no one knows about them, but they’ve been some of the best fun I’ve had skiing all year! The Olympics are sweet, but getting to enjoy skiing is such a different way has been so fun and gives such a balance of love for skiing itself. I know tons of places have events like this; low-key, but in beautiful places with people that are there to have a good time.

These events are also what grow skiers and our American ski culture to the best it can be, so giving life to them, through participation, organization, or both, is huge! The more small events we have across the country, the stronger we can make our collective love for skiing, and the faster we can all get. I know not everyone cares about our success and speed as a nation, but I do, and I think I will for a long time because it’s fun to watch people do well and go fast. Find a race near you, get some friends, and go do it. It’s a good time.