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Evan Nichols
Age: 17
How long you’ve been skiing: XC ever since I could walk, and ski jumping since I was 8
Your favorite workout: A long set of intervals on a cold day.
#1 reason you ski race: Love for the sport and the people in the sport.
Your athlete philosophy: Work hard, play hard.
Biography: Evan Nichols is a 2021/2022 USA Nordic Combined National team member in his first year on the team. He has been a successful Junior athlete for several years. He started from a small club, Ford Sayre, in New Hampshire, and worked his way on the Eastern Nordic Combined and Ski Jumping team at 12 years old. At 13 he was named to the USA Nordic Combined Junior National team. Since then he has had two overall US Cup podiums in the Nordic Combined category, beating out many older athletes in an under twenty age category. He also is a one time silver medalist and two time gold medalist at the Junior National Championships for Nordic Combined skiing. His first win was at just 13 years old and his second he won by 55 seconds over the second place finisher. During his Junior career he has also competed at Junior World Ski Championships for the past three years. He has moved up the ranks every year, most recently placing 14th in the individual 90 meter hill, 10 kilometer race competition. He has also helped the USA mixed team finish 6th place at the most recent Junior World Ski Championships. He has now been named to the National C team and has started his adult career on the National team just this spring.
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