
Posted by Scott Lacy on Dec 31st 2021


In a culmination of the fall video series on Stability, Mobility and Recovery, this month’s video is on Automaticity. This is the ability to focus on external factors while the elements of skiing you have trained throughout the dryland season are now automatic in the subconscious body. The balance and stability on a gliding ski or the delivery of power while double poling on varying terrain are no longer the conscious focus while skiing but instead the tactics of a race or the technicalities of the course become the focus and the body knows what to do. 

This video shows 4 of my favorite drills for automaticity and moves toward ski specific exercises as we all move onto snow and spend more time skiing! Of course there are variations and improvisations to be made with each exercise, so take this as a guide to personalize the way you work on the elements of skiing at home. Happy beginning of winter. See you on the trails!