Posted by Evelina Sutro on Jul 19th 2022
Summer Workout Ideas
Hello! Summer training is in full swing right now and the weather in Vermont has been stellar. We have a solid crew out in Stratton this summer, it’s been fun to have some new faces around for training. Summer training usually means a lot of Nordic skiers across the U.S putting in a lot of training hours. Some skiers enjoy training in different places in the summer vs. the fall and some prefer to stay put for a few months before getting on the road for the whole winter. I have been keeping it local this summer and staying mostly in the Vermont area. One of the amazing things about our sport is that we can train in many different places with many different groups while learning new/different workouts and still getting the same benefit.
Sydney Palmer-Leger (right) and I doing some skate speeds in Stratton
I have spent many summers in different places with different training groups and I find it very beneficial to work with different coaches and athletes to hear and experience their perspectives on training and technique. I do also acknowledge the fact that sometimes summer workout sessions can feel a little stagnant or similar if you are always doing the same interval set on the same hill. So, I thought I would share some of my favorite summer workouts that I have enjoyed in the different places I’ve trained throughout the years.
Alayna, Sydney and I with the coaches at the top of Stratton Mountain post bounding intervals
1) Grass Skiing
When I was in college at UVM I spent three summers training with the GRP in Craftsbury on their summer U23 program. A super fun/different workout that we did there a few times during the summer was speeds on classic skis. Not rollerskis, actual classic skis. A perfect time to take those old beater skis out of the garage and let them enjoy the summer heat. We had an ideal hill at the outdoor center that we used, but any short, steep grassy hill will do. For warmup up run with poles for about 30min with a 10min L3 and then 2x(10x1min L4) with about 2-3min rest between each one-minute interval and then a longer 10-15min L1 jog out between the two sets. A great workout to get some speed practice running on skis.
2) Skate Lactate fest
A fun and tough workout that we do in Stratton called Hapgood Pond intervals is a good workout to get some high lactates. As a matter of fact, we just did this workout last week. These intervals are usually added into the plan when we are starting to add some more L4 into our summer training. This workout is good to start with a solid warm up of about 30-40min. Then a nice, easy, feel good 8-10min L3 on a mellow grad. After a little rest add 3x2min L4, here we are generally shooting to get the lactate up and practice some higher tempo skiing. After the short intervals we finish the workout with 3-5x8-10min L3 to flush the lactate out of the body.
3) Track and Hill Bounding
I spent two summers training in Falun post high school and this track workout is certainly a leg burner. In Falun the track is right next to the ski trails, which is perfect for this workout so you can start on the track and then bring your bounding poles and head up to “mördar backen”(the big climb on the WC course in Falun). Starting with a nice and easy running warmup (good rule of thumb is to start most interval sessions with a solid warmup). The workout included 2x (1200meters-800meters-400meters) with about a 2-3 minute recovery between each. A little 10-minute jog up to the ski trails and then 2x5min of 30sec on 30sec off ski bounding with poles. With a 2-3minute break between these sets as well.
4) Double Pole Strength
This one is a little more strength based but helps with those double pole muscles. I did this workout while training with my ski club in Sweden over the summers I spent in Mora. This tended to be a shorter workout so not quite as long of a warmup. Start with 1x 30min L2 focusing on perfect technique, then find a little section of road you can loop back and forth on and start with 30 single stick pulls then 15 with only right arm and 15 with only left arm. Finnish things up with 5x 30sec on 30sec off max double pole.
The team out for a morning gravel ride and enjoying the Vermont sunshine!
I hope you found some of these workouts interesting or helpful. Happy summer training!